Tuesday 30 July 2013

Gadgets that can be controlled with your mind.

And you thought the LeapMotion controller's control sensors were state of the art. Forget radio controlled toys, thought powered gadgets are the next big thing: we’re starting to see more and more gizmos that are powered by your grey matter alone, from vehicles to bionic arms and fashion accessories. Take a look, as we’ve put together the gadgets that you can control with your brain!

 Emotive EPOC

Let’s start things big: check out the Emotiv EPOC, a wireless headset that uses 14 different sensors to tune into electric signals produced by your brain, meaning you can toss away your keyboard and control your computer with just your brain. It’s not just useful as a hands-free mouse though, as you’ll be able to use it with other electrical appliances, such as a wheelchair, helping you get around with a simple thought. Who wants to hack one on to a Segway? It’s available to order now for $299 (£194).

 DARPA Prosthetic Arms                

The United States Defence Department’s research arm, DARPA, has been looking into revolutionising prosthetics since 2006 and they’re really making progress. DARPA’s prosthetic arm lets the receiver control it with just the power of thought alone: as you tell your nerves to move your elbow, arm or fingers, the prosthetic arm picks up the new patterns and subsequently moves around. The future is nearly here, and you can see it in action.

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